Opiate and General Addiction Withdrawal Help

 Sapien Medicine

The song is Blue Danube (by Strauss) but of course modified a bit.

The programming in this audio is meant to help with withdrawal symptoms.

(a little with cravings also) The idea is to make your brain forget this need and urge

in the simplest sense of explanations.

Use it as an extra help and punch along with your own protocols.

While designed to help a lot, use it as a supplementation to your existing protocol.

Opioid withdrawal symptoms are severe and relapse among users is common.

This works on interrupting the brain pathway responsible for morphine and a few other drug-associated memories.

Thus "erasing" the drug-associated memory from the paraventricular thalamus pathways.

(Based on research from the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Stanford University)

Also added is some deep brain stimulation and the usage of ZIP to interrupt the associations and memories as a larger, giant 'reset'

2 - 3 times a day is fine until you get the results you want.

Usage time may vary with everyone, so see what works for you.
